Create a circuit with these  versatile packages
Total Gym ELEVATE Circuit®
Total Gym ELEVATE Super Circuit®
Total Gym ELEVATE Encompass™ 
Strength Package
Total Gym ELEVATE Encompass™ 
Pilates Package
Total Gym ELEVATE Encompass™

ELEVATE your members' workout experience with the ELEVATE Encompass™, a functional training system that provides a full body workout in one easy-to-use machine. 

Users work multiple muscle groups together for a complete workout that challenges proprioception and core stabilizers by integrating multi-plane movement and unrestricted range of motion in nearly every exercise.

The ELEVATE Encompass™ works on an incline, relying on body weight resistance, strengthening the way the body executes daily physical activities.

The ELEVATE Encompass™ works with GRAVITY programming for a full class workout.

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Total Gym ELEVATE Circuit®

Designed to be simple, intuitive and challenging for all fitness levels, the ELEVATE Circuit® features 5 painstakingly  crafted  pieces that offer 7 incremental resistance levels for a more challenging workout. And all in a striking new matte black finish! 

Taking the proven functional training principles developed with the PowerTower and GTS, this 5-piece commercial gym equipment package applies the unique concept of incline bodyweight training as the method of resistance, rather than the traditional weighted resistance most fitness equipment is built upon. 

The ELEVATE Circuit® can be placed on the gym floor as a dedicated strength circuit or used within a group setting as a circuit-style class workout or boot camp station. The ELEVATE Circuit® has over 80 exercises and is one of the most versatile gym equipment packages designed to keep your members performing at their peak. 

The ELEVATE Circuit® includes: ELEVATE Row ADJ, ELEVATE Core ADJ, ELEVATE Jump, ELEVATE Press and ELEVATE Pull-Up.

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Total Gym ELEVATE Super Circuit®

Designed to be simple, intuitive and challenging for all fitness levels, the ELEVATE Super Circuit features 6 painstakingly crafted pieces that offer 7 incremental resistance levels for a more challenging workout. The ELEVATE Super Circuit includes each of our single station training products as well as our revolutionary ELEVATE Encompass. The Encompass alone allows for over 250 different exercises, making this circuit the most versatile package on the market.

Taking the proven functional training principles developed with the PowerTower and GTS, this 6-piece commercial gym equipment package applies the unique concept of incline bodyweight training as the method of resistance, rather than the traditional weighted resistance most fitness equipment is built upon. 

The ELEVATE Super Circuit can be placed on the gym floor as a dedicated strength circuit or used within a group setting as a circuit-style class workout or boot camp station. 

The ELEVATE Circuit includes: ELEVATE Encompass, ELEVATE Row ADJ, ELEVATE Core ADJ, ELEVATE Jump, ELEVATE Press and ELEVATE Pull-Up.

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What are the differences between the Strength and Pilates Package ?
Total Gym ELEVATE Encompass™ Strength Package

Get the ELEVATE Encompass Strength Package and add more power to your fitness routine; includes ELEVATE Encompass and 5 accessories to add additional strength training exercises to your Total Gym workout. 

Includes the ELEVATE Encompass, Press Bar, Squat Handle Bar, Weight Bar, SCRUNCH Accessory and 3Grip Pull-up Bar to help develop increased muscle mass, tone and definition.
Total Gym ELEVATE Encompass™  Pilates Package

Add the full functionality of Pilates to your Encompass with the comprehensive ELEVATE Encompass Pilates Package. Pilates movements increase reach, flexibility and core control with low joint compression. The physical and mental benefits of traditional and evolved Pilates add balance to any fitness program.

Includes the ELEVATE Encompass, Telescoping Toe Bar, Standing Platform and Leg Pulley System.
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